+39 010 2512373 pinnaviardo@gmail.com

Project Description

Palazzo Domenico Grillo faces onto the piazza and the splendid Basilica di Santa Maria delle Vigne (10th century) in the historic center of Genoa. It was an illustrious abode, included on the list of the most prestigious palaces of the city (Rolli palaces listed by UNESCO in 2006), which belonged to the noble families of Genoa and which competed through a sort of public drawing to host the most distinguished visitors on ambassadorial missions to the city.
The coherent exterior of the façade contrasts with the complex interior that is divided into many spaces that over time were added and linked together, becoming all together one inextricable unit.
The project provides for restoring and refurbishing the palace, so that it could be used for two new functions that, even if quite different, re-interpret hospitality: on the ground floor and the upper floors there is a hotel; on the first floor, exhibition spaces open to the public, thus these magnificent palace spaces will be visible, hosting events and temporary exhibits.

Project Details

Client A.R.T.E
Location Genoa, Historical Center, Piazza delle Vigne
Year 2015
Typology Renovation and restoration
With Carla Coccia
Collaborators Chantal Cattaneo, Angelo Del Vecchio, Jan Pala, Dominika Kraftova, Edvard Papcun, Katerina Krkoshova, Tatiana Rotar, Lucia Gasparini, Jean-Baptiste Duthilleul, Agata Brobowska, Francesca Tassara Adéla Palová, Stepán Gudev (rendering)
Consultant Franco Bordo, Carlo Devoto
Structures Paolo Costa
Installations Franco Cevasco, Massimo De Falco, Paolo Villa
Cresta S.r.l, Teknica S.r.l

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